Want to advertise for just 10 to 50 percent of what you’re paying now, and almost guarantee an influx of ideal clients, referrals, good reviews, and ultimately more money in your pocket?
Richard Jacobs tells you how.
Once you’ve followed the advice in part 1 of this podcast, you’ll already have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled your number of reviews. At that point, all you have to do is analyze them. No matter what type of law you practice, there is always a skew in terms of your client base: maybe you attract clients of a certain age, sex, income level, or ethnicity. Or maybe you attract clients from a certain location in the city.
Whatever you discover, the next step is about using that knowledge to your advantage by marketing in the right places. Since these places aren’t likely to be mainstream, your ads are more likely to stand out, AND cost significantly less…all while targeting more ideal clients.
Want help getting started?
Call (888) 225-8594, or visit https://www.speakeasymarketinginc.com/ and https://www.jacobsandwhitehall.com/.