I decided to write this book because I have found that there are likely thousands of families each year in the state of California that need to go to court to fix a broken trust of some kind—whether it’s to change the terms of the trust to avoid having to take actions that are no longer necessary or appropriate, make modifications to the trust to provide more protection for heirs and beneficiaries, or gather loose assets into the trust that should’ve been there before the creator of the trust had died.
For those who live in one of several of the counties here in California (especially Southern California), the court process to fix broken trusts can be very expensive and take months to accomplish. I have a process that can often resolve issues in one to two weeks instead of months, and at a much lower cost than a family may suffer in other parts of the state.
I would like the readers of this book to come away with an appreciation that the situation that they may be facing is not unique, that there are solutions to their broken trusts, and that I can be the “doctor” with the remedy.